PE and Sport

PE is an important part of our school life. We encourage children to take part in a variety of sports to help them learn new skills, keep fit, build confidence and enjoy themselves. We are delighted that we are able to offer a selection of sporting opportunities for the children of Ashington CE Primary School.
The children have two hours of PE per week during curriculum time. This includes lessons in dance, gymnastics, athletics and games such as netball, basketball, rounders, tennis and cricket. We ensure progression from EYFS through to KS2. Please see the 'All About' information for your class to know exactly what your child will be participating in. We also try to provide extra experiences like netball coaching, golf coaching and cricket to extend the opportunities the children are offered.
Throughout the year, children take part in taster sessions and tournaments run in the STARS (Storrington Rural Schools) locality. Those who take part in these events have been chosen for a range of reasons; it may be because they have shown a particular skill or talent in a certain area of PE. Alternatively, they may have been chosen to build confidence, self-esteem or collaboration skills. The taster sessions are, as the name suggests, a chance to experience a new skill. It is our aim to give all children a chance to take part in at least one extra-curricular sporting activity during their time at school.
Each term, there are a selection of after school clubs run by specialists that children have access to such as cricket, netball, dance, rounders and mulit sports.
Over the last couple of years the government has provided dedicated funding to schools to help improve the provision of PE and sport. To see what our funding has been used for please see the link to the PE grant.
Please click here to view Evidencing the Primary PE and Sports Premium Reporting Tool 2021 - 2022
Please click here to view the PE and School Sport Action Plan 2023 - 2024
Please click here to view our school PE vision
Please click here to view the STARS Taster and Tournament Schedule 2024 - 2025
All children in KS2 get the opportunity to swim for 30mins for 10 weeks every academic year. This enables children to develop basic water skills and confidence.
The aim is for 100% of our children by Year 6 to meet the national curriculum requirement to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres, use a range of strokes effectively and perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations. Any child who has not met is offered the opportunity to have funded top up swimming sessions.
Here are a few photo's from our Year 5/6 Basketball Taster Session at Steyning Grammar School, Shooting Field Site
Well, what a Basketball tournament for us! Our two teams came 3rd and 1st!! They were all fantastic and didn't take a rest for over an hour!
'Our wonderful Year 6 mixed football team travelled over to Steyning Grammar School to take part in the first locality football taster of the year. They all played their hearts out, ending up unbeaten, winning the event and all without conceding a single goal - A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!'
'The Year 4 boys football team did Mr Harrison, themselves and the whole of Ashington proud as they came 3rd out of a massive 57 schools at the South East Schools 7 aside football finals! All the action took place down at Littlehampton School. If you don't believe me - take a look... Oh, and a special mention must go to Gabriel who rightly received our player of the tournament medal for some outstanding performances throughout. An all-round great job boys!'
On Wednesday 29th June, Year 6 (and the awesome Sienna from Year 5) represented Ashington in Countdown Cricket with eleven other schools from the Horsham district. The children played some top-class cricket coming a phenomenal joint 2nd, losing just a single match all day! Special mentions go to Luke for some outstanding bowling, Ella for some massive fours, Douwe for playing with stitches in his knee, Miles for expertly captaining the team and Toby for catching someone out on the last ball of a match to win it! The whole team were an absolute credit to the school with their sportsmanship and attitude being noted by a number of match umpires. HOWZAT for a cracking day out at Horsham Cricket Club!