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Assessment Data

Foundation Stage Profile

In reception the children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. The children are observed and assessed throughout the year against the stages of development.  In reception, staff record photos and observations electronically and these are shared regularly with parents via email. Parents are encouraged to add to the online observations or send in observations or evidence from home. The children’s work is also stored in Learning Journals. At the end of the year the Foundation Stage Profile is completed by assessing the children against the Early Learning Goals. Parents are invited in regularly to discuss their children,s progress and next steps. 

Click download to view EYFS Data

Year One phonics check

All children in Year 1 will participate in a phonics check during the summer term.  This assessment is administered by the Y1 teachers.  Results are included within the Year 1 end of year report.

Click download to view KS1 Phonics Data


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