Contact Us
Ashington C E School
Foster Lane
West Sussex
RH20 3PG
Tel: 01903 892365
Fax: 01903 892584
Headteacher: Mrs Adele Buck
Assistant Headteacher's: Miss Katherine Martlew & Miss Nicola Roberts
Chair of Governors: Mr. Dan Powell
School Secretary: Mrs Bridget De La Haye
School Business Manager: Mrs Ailsa McCaig
Safeguarding and Child Protection
Our DSL is Adele Buck - Headteacher
Our DDSL's are Katherine Martlew & Nicola Roberts
Our Safeguarding Governor is Harriet May
For any enquiries, including requests for paper copies of letters, please contact Mrs Bridget De La Haye on the above telephone numbers or Email: click here to contact us.
For any SENDCO / Inclusion Leader enquiries please contact Mrs Amy Hopkins: 01903 892365
Pupil Age Range: 4 to 11 years, co-educational - Reception to Year 6
Most children will transfer to Steyning Grammar School at the beginning of Year 7.